Don’t you wish you could be a better DIY mom by doing it all?  From party planning to home décor, all while spending award-winning time with your children.  I mean, how do these perfect moms do it?  You know the ones who not only built their home from the ground up but then had time to lavishly decorate it, then serve a delicious piping hot meal with applause from their family.  Meanwhile, most moms find a Pinterest project and give up after step two! 

I am here to share some advice on how to “do it all!” Actually, I don’t believe in doing it all.  That’s exhausting!  And anyone who appears to do it all is probably one overwhelmed mom.   I want you to be a better DIY mom, putting all those Pinterest board pins to good use!  Here are some tips I’d like to offer on how you can easily accomplish that goal without losing sleep or sanity.

1. Be Patient with Yourself

You may think you are not creative or handy or crafty, but please be kind to yourself.  Part of being creative is to create and create again.  There is another painting underneath the Mona Lisa.  Let that sink in.  Who knows why Davinci decided to paint over that image.  Maybe it wasn’t good enough; maybe he changed his mind.  All I know is that his final result was a masterpiece.   If your balloon column looks more like a wave instead of a column, call it a wave!  Next time it will be even better because you can tweak your design!  Please don’t give up; you can do it!

2.  Find DIY activities that promote quality time with your children

Even if it is just 15 minutes a day. Set aside activity time with your children.  Find some of those easy activity pins that you’ve saved.  Make sure it is time that you aren’t preoccupied with something else.  Give your children your undivided attention: no TV, no phone, and no work (Gasp).  Or you can do something that they want to do.  What if I can’t do 15 minutes a day, Nikki? Don’t worry about measuring the exact amount of quality time. Focus on the purpose.   It will not only be a good break away from all the cares of the world, but these are memories your kid’s store in their brains forever!  I have some simple but fun activities in my freebie library if you need a good start.

3. Plan Your DIY Projects Early

Please give yourself plenty of time when it comes to completing any DIY project, including parties.  I once had a Christmas party for 72 family members at my house.  It was after the birth of my third child, and I had gone back to work full-time.  I cooked for everyone….EVERYONE!!!  I also created games and passed out prizes.  And no, I did not have any help.  What I did have was a plan.  A plan I started that fall. I may have even decided to take on the challenge in the summer. I can’t remember.  That’s how early I put the plan in motion.  I spent an hour three days a week executing tasks so that I only had to heat the food on the day of. 

Having a solid plan makes DIY easier and less stressful.  Your friends will wonder how you managed to “do it all.”  Your secret will be that you started early.  And there is no such thing as too early.  Depending on the project, I start as early as possible,, even if that means a year from the date!

And if you need help planning,, I’ve got some great planning resources for you in my freebie library!

4. Know When to DIY and When to Buy

I had planned this creative post about using black spray paint to refinish my white dish rack.  The black spray paint cost $6.  After about 5 hrs, including drying time, I had completed the project.  It was a real challenge trying to get every crevice.  It looked charming until my husband walked past it and said,  “You know you can just buy one of those for $13, right?”   Ugg!  He was right, though.  For just a few more dollars, I could have saved that precious time and bought a new rack.  Eventually, the paint started peeling, so I purchased a black disk rack. 

Sometimes it’s better to buy something already constructed or to hire a professional.  Being the best DIY mom you can be doesn’t mean that you have to DIY on everything. Always ask yourself will this DIY save me time or money?  Is it something that I can easily accomplish?  There are times, such as with that dishrack, where the additional cost is worth saving time.  There are also times where once you find the cost of the materials is the same as buying it from a store.  Always remember to weigh the cost and time before your DIY.

Set Realistic Expectations For Being A Better DIY Mom

Let’s be honest; if we could, we would all be award-winning DIY moms who plan the best parties, have the perfect home decor, cook meals from scratch, and raise perfect children! In reality, we need to meet ourselves halfway and accept our limitations. Being a better DIY mom takes time and mistakes. That’s okay. You can plan a perfect party, but please make sure you’re not sacrificing sleep or sanity to do it. We can spend hours on DIY projects as long as we know when to say no, go to the store and buy it instead. Then we can spend quality moments with our family.