It’s getting warmer, and the kids want to get outside. Mine wanted to go to the beach, but that has been difficult due to the pandemic. So what is a mom to do when you have three busy children who complain about being bored even when they are sleeping? Bring the beach to them. No one in my family can swim their favorite beach activity is the sand. They can sit for hours, just shoveling sand around. Of course, it gets everywhere, and I spend weeks cleaning it off of their tiny bodies. I could build a portable sandbox! Where does a mom go for ideas about bringing the beach to the kids? Pinterest!

So I did find lots of pins involving how to build a sandbox, but they were all stationary, and my husband has a thing about damaging his grass. And I don’t want a permanent sandbox.

So how do you build a portable sandbox, Nikki? Well, allow me to show you my idea!

You Will Need

A 28qt is the perfect size. Big enough to play with sand small enough to carry around or put away in the garage when the weather gets cold again. Nikki, why go through all that work? I would make a permanent box in my backyard. I wish I could, my friend, but I imagine the pain it would cause my husband to carve out a section of his grass for a sandbox. Plus, I am not sure I want my children to have access to sand every time they go out. I don’t know about anyone else’s children, but mine are sand magnets.

Step One: Fill Your Tub With Sand

play sand for your portable sandbox

It’s that simple. I purchased three bags of sand from Home Depot for 4 dollars a bag. The sand happened to be wet, and boy was it hard to carry! That’s why I only picked up three. After lifting the third bag, I felt my body say, “Are you crazy? We’re not twenty anymore!” I filled up three storage tubs halfway using two bags of play sand. Make sure that you build a portable sandbox that is light enough to carry but has enough sand to create miniature sandcastles.

Step Two: Add Your Sand Toys

I already had a box full of sand toys stored away with the rest of our beach equipment. They were purchased from the Dollar Store as soon as they arrive in the store. I buy multiples of each toy, one for each child, and a replacement set in case they lose or break them. Make sure you purchase miniature sand tools that will fit in the portable sandbox. I even have small sandcastle molds. 

portable sandbox with sand toys

Place your toys in the box, and you are done! A bonus to this portable sandbox is that it took five minutes to put it together. No painting, no hammering, and no gluing. Little effort for hours of peace. I placed these in the grass, promising my husband that after they finished playing, I would remove them. They were the most well-behaved children ever! My husband and I had time to have an uninterrupted adult conversation, and I think we were able to grow closer as a couple. Build a portable sandbox, and it will strengthen your marriage. Okay, so I am exaggerating on the last part, but I do get peace when they play with the portable sandbox. And when winter comes, I will store them in my garage.

So what else can you do with your portable sandbox? Plenty!

Take Your Portable Sandbox With You

The reason for making this box small is that it’s mobile! I can build a portable sandbox and load it into the car to take with us to grandma’s house! My mom, Mama Resourceful, would love that! I mean, she has been saying that she misses having to clean up sandy children. I love her too much not to let her share this experience. The point is that it is easy to transport, making it a high activity to take with you.

Turn It Into A Birthday Party Activity

kid playing with a portable sandbox

If you are having a beach-themed party, give each child their portable sandbox. If I had to break it down, I spent $10 per box. This suggestion works with a small party with 5-6 children. I’m thinking toddler age where they may not have as many children their age to invite. Nikki, that can get expensive. Agreed, but if you utilize it as the party activity and the party favor, then the cost doesn’t seem as high. Party favor? Yes, give the children the actual sandbox because what are you going to do 5-6 extra boxes? 

Have A Contest

Another fun sandbox activity is to add about a cup or two of water to the sand and create a sandcastle challenge. Use those dollar store sandcastle molds and let the kids build a castle in their portable sandbox. If you have older children (or adults) make it a timed challenge. The shorter the time, the more entertaining. Can they do it in groups? Absolutely. Then walk away and read a book because you just bought yourself some downtime!

Now that you know how to build a portable sandbox, how do you plan to use yours? If you know a mom who needs a no-hassle activity, please share this post! Happy Creating!