Showing: 1 - 10 of 29 RESULTS
face mask storage
Crafty Hacks & Inspiration

Easy Way To Store Your Family’s Face Masks

So my face mask ear saving hack has been popular, and I wanted to piggyback off of the face mask problem-solution success. Since our world is filled with face masks now, I thought this would be another great place to start. From the moment we wake up, they are everywhere. No, seriously, they are everywhere! My family …

Home Decor

DIY Patio Umbrella Base

“You’re Resourceful Nikki, and this is the perfect opportunity for you to be resourceful and make your own base” that was my husband telling me that I should write a post on a DIY patio umbrella base. It’s the fourth of July holiday, and like millions of other people, I have been working on making …